Saturday 25 August 2012

Claire's Dream

It's Claire's dream to be an artist. But she is too poor to afford any canvas and painting kit. She only have chance to draw with pencil on piece of paper. She loves going to the art museum to embrace each drawing drew by her favorite artist, Felle Morchial. Claire only worked as a receptionist of a hotel to raise her poor family.

One day, Felle Morchial was invited for an art exhibition in the hotel Claire worked. Claire was drawing a sky view when Felle Morchial arrived in that hotel. When Felle called Claire for help, Claire was shocked and the drawing accidentally fell to the ground. Felle was impressed with the drawing Claire made.

In the night on the exhibition, lots of Felle's collection of her drawing is displayed. It's the highlight of the exhibition, Felle gave some speech and, she also introduced the drawing Claire made. Although it is only sized A4, lot of people bidded to buy the drawing. The won price is as high as she could buy a new set of drawing including the canvas and new life of her family and her. Claire is very happy, she decided to share the half with Felle, but Felle refused and says that the funds deserved to be Claire's.

Felle is amazed with Claire's talents, she taught Claire drawing. Soon, Claire became famous artist. She is very grateful to meet such kind person like Felle.

Sunday 12 August 2012

第一华语的贴子 ≥^.^≤ 【新部落格】

哈洛fellow reader!#哎?怎么会有英语字?:P

这会是我第一次的华文帖子,我之前没写过华文的帖子,满都是英语…因为我的华语没那么好。华语分数都是“nyawa-nyawa ikan”…

就这接进入主题吧!》》 【新的部落客】
  有一天,我决定要更换我的日记去部落客,可以跟reader分享生活中所发生的特别的事不管是喜悦的,忧伤的,都在这儿分享。^^ 我也会在这儿分享我的创建物。
  希望这短短的帖子会在你的脸上留下一个笑容。 :)

Love Story

A beautiful song named "Love Story" composed by Francis Lai for the movie "Love Story". But this video showed another version of Love Story arranged by Ludvhig van Beethoven. Although Francis Lai and Richard Clayderman's version of Love Story is also beautiful, I loved Beethoven's version more. :)

I hope you enjoy the song in the video uploaded by xisok23.

What a weather! O﹏o

I was studying in my room. But it was so hot, that I felt tired easily. I was about to take gulps of cold drink but I realised that I was still in cough. =.= I kept on sweating hardly! Plus I drank a cough syrup which made me felt sleepy.
I then decided to took a short nap. The sun ray is shining towards me. But I ignored it and continued my sleep. After a few hours of sleeping, I woke up in heat... Still complaining of the hot hot hot weather.

Saturday 11 August 2012

Revenge of a puppy (humor)

In a Puppy Elementary School, a puppy named Glitz studied in it. Glitz's class was located near a vegetables garden. Every time Glitz is hungry, he will secretly go there and steal some vegetables.

Everyday, the vegetable is worsely decrease, this cause the teachers and headmaster to become worrier, they afraid just if the land of the vegetable is once is graveyard, and the spirit want to revenge by giving a slight warn.

After a few hours of studying, the bell of recess had rung. The hungry Glitz quickly ran to the vegetables garden and steal some vegetable. While Glitz bitting the carrot, Glitz's teacher saw Glitz and scolded Glitz,
"Why are you stealing these vegetable? We are very worried that we though it's the spirit who steals these."

"I am very hungry," said Glitz innocently "and my spirit is doing revenge to you for me, for talking craps in class in such long time!"


Set me free

Set me free
From this cage of your heart,
From this scent you attracted me,
From the look you gave me.

Set me free
From your soft call which hypnosis me,
From deep, bottom of your heart,
To another world you brought me to.

Set me free
And let me hover through the air,
Flying to the world of mine,

#some nonesense i wrote...

Introduction about me ^.^

This will be my first ever post on my first blog about me... 
  I am Weendy Loo, but I always hoped to have a longer English name, so I gave myself another name, "Weendyanna Glaire". I was born on 6th of July, 2000 in Sandakan, Sabah. I studied in SJK(C)Chi Hwa, and this is my last year here. So I would appreciate every moment I spent here...
  Since I was little, I aspire to be a novelist, writer and lawyer. So I choose Malay, English and Chinese as my favorite subjects. I also learnt some foreign language. By now, I used to speak and learn ten different languages. Although non of them I mastered.
  And I started writing some stories to constructive use of leisure time. I also wrote some Malay poetry and poem to improve my writing skills. I also liked to read novels in my spare time. But my mom denied me to borrow or buy any novels during exams, especially near the final like this year. But my hand could not resist to borrow a few short novels. I used to read them when I felt alone and lonely. Surfing net is also one of my hobby. By surfing some information-filled site, I can earn more knowledge. But some advises told that not all information on the net is true, some of them were hoax, so I'd have to beware of the page I surfed.
  What I hate the most is when people nicknamed me based on my appreance, but I ignored them, because they can't and wouldn't change the way I am. I don't want being beautiful if I had to change the way I am, I also don't want being cool if I had to change my style. I love they way I was, and NO ONE can change this fact.
  Talking about wishes, I just hoped for peace on my family. And I also hoped that me and my family was away from any danger and diseases. Lastly, I hope those animals and beggars which have no shelter to refuge can have a society for them to live in.
  I will post more about myself in my future adventure posts, stay tuned!

Warm regards...